Statement Regarding Yard Signs

False and Defamatory Accusation

The @MichiganRepublicanPrimary account on X has a post falsely claiming that a Caledonia Democrat was caught stealing a Velting for School Board sign. That post is garnering the hoped-for outraged responses.

The truth is he was asked by the property owner to bring Harris signs and install them on that property. The property owner then also asked him to remove a Velting sign that had been placed there without permission. Either the sign was placed on the owner’s property with the owner’s permission, or it was illegally placed in the right of way. The Kent County Democratic Party does not steal signs or condone stealing or vandalism of signs. All candidates and supporters are responsible for the regulations for political signs.

We also do not condone defamation, nor does the law. A false public accusation of theft constitutes defamation and is legally actionable as such.

Kim Gates

Kent County Democratic Party Chair